Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day One in China--Julia

Today in the morning we went to Wallmart .We stayed there for the whole morning .Then we came home and took a nap [I took a 3 hour nap]. After the nap, we went to the enormous park across the street. It had sail boats that you could ride around a polluted river. It had swimming pools where there were bubbled that you could run in across the top of the water. After that we tried to travel quickly to the apartment, but we got a little stuck, we got stuck in a mud pile otherwise known as a dirty road. IT was an open market people selling things from jelly beans to meat o n sticks, to puppies. After that we continued on home quickly!


Kyle said...

Julia, you appear to be the truth-teller -- "otherwise known as a dirty road." Keep it real, Juju! Thanks for writing!

Becky said...

Julia! It sounds like you are having a lot of fun! I wish I was there with you all! I love you! ~Becky

Malia said...

It sounds like you are having lots of fun!!!!! I want to be there with you!!!:-)