Saturday, February 16, 2008

In Chicago

HI Yall
we are now stuck in Chicago our flight delayed, we will now leave 12 hours after the time when we were supposed to say so maybe you could say we are stuck in Chicago. However we are not in the worst condition! We are staying at a hotel fabled to be as marvelous if not better than the hilton and we have 72 ollars to spend in passes before tomarrow when we leave, all because our flight was canceled! The pilot was sick and a snowstorm is going to hit Chicago to night, so it will not be the best of weather---but we are one step closer to successfully making it to China.
Talk to you tomarrow!
Once, we hopefully have reached Xi'an!!!!!!!

stuck in Chicago

Today our airplane got delayed. We got to go to the Hyatt Hotel for the night. They have two beds, a nice bedroom, one tv and they gave us 100 for food...or for anything. My mom took a nap while she was napping, me and my sister watched TV. I tried to go to sleep on the floor, but it was too hard. I am goingto Malias house

Bye, Julia

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Before I leave for China: Julia's Thoughts

I am nervous but I am excited too. I am going to miss my teachers and my friends. I am going to miss my house. I am going to miss spac. The hardest part about leaving on Saturday (only 1 more day in Lincoln) is leaving Lincoln!

The am most excited about travelling all the way to Xi'an, which is the city where we will be living. Xi'an is an old city, it has temples and even a Mosque! About 6 million people live in Xi'an, and you know what? They think that is a little city!!!

From Julia

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Life in Lincoln

What I will miss the most...sitting in my sun room looking out the window at the dog walkers, at the passerbys. I already miss my dog. I miss her wrapped around my feet and her trailing me everywhere. I'll miss knowing people at the grocery store and saying hi to students that I had last year in class.

Figuring out life

Just when you think you've figured something out, about yourself, about life...and then it all changes, new technology, a new book...Its all about change. Am I ready for China?