Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Figuring out life

Just when you think you've figured something out, about yourself, about life...and then it all changes, new technology, a new book...Its all about change. Am I ready for China?


Kyle said...

But we are counting on you figuring it out and telling us! Just kidding! I don't know if I'll ever be ready for China -- but I'll go anyway. Lookout! I wonder if China is ready for me?

Team China! said...
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pageworker7 said...

It's amazing how far one step at a time can take you!

valerie said...

Hana, and Julia, I know you must have some butterflies over this big adventure, but I am sure you will both love China. I miss you already!! Have fun and write often about your trip.

Happy Valentines day to my sweet nieces (and to your Mom and Dad too).