Sunday, July 11, 2010

China 4th

Tomorrow is our 4th trip to Asia,and a long plane ride ahead.I'm so excited for the food,(of course)the new places,and then all the new people that we'll meet. We are going to go to Shanghai for two days then we'll go to Chengdu for about 3 days,after that we will hopefully be able to go to Tibet for a week to 10 days.My cousin Katie is coming with us and traveling the whole way!And I'm just thinking about the planes to China, because if I do I get too hipper! I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!
Written by Julia McMahon-Cole


Kyle said...

A quick scavenger hunt to bring back to your dear uncle:

Prayer flags from Lhasa
A photo of Julia standing on her head with a monk from/near Chengdu
A photo of Katie in downtown Shanghai
Some dirt from the riverbed of the Yangtze.
A picture of Hana bartering.

Have fun! We'll skype you in a minute or two.

Susan McKeon-Karve said...

the scavenger hunt sounds like should post the pictures of the scavenger hunt! Fun!!