The events of today were a rammed knee, a headache and a relaxing stroll through QingXing park with hundreds of people's stares following you like bees. BUt I don't want to tell you of what has happened today, halfway finished as it is, instead I want to tell you of our second visit to the terracotta warriors. The first visit, for my uncle Kyle who is currently traveling with us in china.
We left early in the morning, breaking our fast by devouring fruit and yogurt before settling for some fried dough, called yotiao, strait from the burning oil, then we took a taxi downtown where my Uncle enjoyed his first trip in a taxi where he fully understood that in China their were no traffic rules, we arrived at the train station and walked to the bus station that was just to the right, passing the train station we all looked around in awe, my parents sister and me, because their were no people by chinese standards and my uncle because their were so many poeple by AMerican standards even from someone coming from Atlanta.We boarded a bus, and tried to bribe the bus driver and pay for a ticket for my sister, but they wouldn't go with that my sisterhad to ride on someones lap. We survived the ride with nausea enfulging us like a shadow and arrived at the terracotta warriors light headed and dizzy.We entered the complex and after a short walk we ended up going into the theatre first to get a backround on what we would soon see. The movie was amazing and definetly gaze us a backround and I took notes for my history project on china that I will later post on here, the leaving we found ourselves face to face with the last farmer alive that had discovered the terracotta warriors!